The most important rule a businessman has to follow nowadays, is management of his schedule with efficiency. Time is money! Losing two or three hours per travel, or even more, when you could actually use them for your business instead of waiting for a connection flight or because your meeting finished sooner than expected, could possibly cost you greatly. Surely you know how to make your business grow as an expert on your field, but you also need an expert for your travels, with the appropriate tools and the related experience to create more time and save you money, along with offering you solutions on various unforseen travel problems that might be created from your workload (unexpected meetings, hotel bookings due to unexpected overnight stays, requirement of car rental services etc.).
ZenTravel business travel experts are dedicated to make your trip as much enjoyable and luxurious it can get, but also a time efficient experience. Our years of expertise, along with the network of associates we have established, provides us with the tools to offer our customer the most possible time efficient business travel, tailor-made to his exact needs and requests, without him losing time and money by having to make various different bookings and hope for the best, but also not having to worry if an unexpected travel need occurs. One call, one booking,
One efficient Business Travel service.

Business Travel Tailored specifically to your needs

Corporate Account Management

Arranging your travels around the world

Issuance of required travel documents for your destination

Business Travel Insurance